Zooming into Membership

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Zooming into Membership

Get a Head-Start on Growing Membership

Is your region, district, council or state PTA looking for a fun way to grow membership?

Would you like to create stronger connections to the local PTAs you support?

Do you believe there is power in PTA leaders learning from each other?

Do you want to empower local PTA leaders to confidently use what they learn and experience the value of being part of One PTA?

Energizing Local PTAs

Zooming into Membership is a collaborative effort involving all levels of PTA. National PTA partnered with 16 state, region, district and council PTAs over the past few years to host a highly-interactive series of events focused on growing PTA and encouraging PTAs to share and learn from each other. 

Zooming into Membership

Have You Heard the Buzz?

Find out why previous Zooming into Membership partners said the following:

“Allowed our local leaders to hear new ideas directly from their PTA peers which is a powerful thing.”
“…demonstrated the large network of PTA support and resources available to leaders.”
“A great way to showcase PTA success.”
“More connections within our region…”
“…a great touchpoint for us to interact with our Local Unit Leaders throughout the year.”
“We were able to spotlight units (and) receive valuable feedback…”

Zooming into Membership Kit

The Zooming into Membership Kit teaches your region, district, council or state PTA how to organize and host Zooming into Membership events. We share examples, templates, ideas and best practices from other PTAs who have done it.

Here is how it works:
Read What You Need to Know about Zooming into Membership (en español) or watch the video and then check out the eight steps below to find out how to use the Kit.

How to Use the Zooming into Membership Toolkit
A micro training on the benefits of the Zooming into Membership Toolkit

Step 1: Create a Zooming into Membership Team
  • Read, view and share What You Need to Know About Zooming into Membership (en español) and the Zooming into Membership webinar with your team to learn the project basics and goals and for tips on successful ZIM events.
  • Build a team with varied skills including communications or public relations skills, field service and membership skills, and PowerPoint, technology and virtual presentation skills.
  • Review the overall project and decide the role each team member will play.
  • Hold at least one team planning meeting, assign responsibilities, ensure back-up plans if a team member is unable to complete a task, and decide what data to track to measure the project’s impact.
  • Identify who needs to be briefed and whose cooperation at the state or region, district or council level you will need to promote the initiative and make it a success; discuss how the team will collaborate with these groups.
Step 2: Create a calendar of ZIM Events
  • Set date for each ZIM event and include back-up dates for each event.
  • Set a deadline to complete each PowerPoint presentation.
  • Include rehearsal dates—rehearsals are essential to smooth ZIM events.
  • Include a deadline, at least two weeks in advance, to identify a local PTA to present at each ZIM event.
  • Set dates to remind everyone about the event, especially the presenters.
  • Key resource for this step: Event Planning Checklist (en español)
Step 3: Create a Communications Plan
  • Promote each ZIM event at least two weeks in advance and use all communication channels available including social media, newsletters, websites, email blasts and word of mouth at other PTA events.
  • For state PTAs, seek help from region, district and/or council leaders to spread the word.
  • Plan to promote the recording of the event to participants to share with others and to people who registered but did not attend.
  • Key resources for this step: Sample Communications Plan (en español); Sample Promotional Materials  (en español)
Step 4: Decide how you will track event success
  • Within your team, define “success.” What are the outcomes you wish to track to determine if a ZIM event is a success? Think local PTA growth, connections among PTA levels, perception of PTA value.
  • If your Zoom or online platform account allows, set up registration for the events. Ask registrants for their names, PTA name, emails, and any other info you wish to track (example: position).
  • Determine how you will track local PTA growth after the ZIM event and prepare a tracking sheet. What data is available? How will you determine if ZIM attendance led to PTA membership growth?
  • Decide if you will collect anecdotal evidence of ZIM impact (testimonials) and if you will survey during or after the events or at the end of the project. Determine what questions to ask.
  • Decide the minimum number of attendees you will need (excluding members of your team or presenters) to hold the event and to consider your promotions to be successful.
  • Key resource for this step: Sample Post Event Follow-Up Emails and Survey (en español)
Step 5: Prepare a list of potential local PTA leaders to invite to present at your ZIM events
  • Consider asking state and national grant winners, National PTA Schools of Excellence (en español), and state PTA membership award winners to present.
  • Make sure your list is geographically and demographically diverse.
  • Focus your list on local PTAs that are growing or that are trying new strategies.
Step 6: Prepare, Refine and Practice
Step 7: Start on time and end on time when you hold the event
  • Assign a timekeeper and use the marked time from practice to stay on track.
  • Be sure to have a way to contact all presenters during the event (we suggest a group text or group chat). This will help in keeping presenters on time and dealing with technical issues if they arise.
Step 8: Follow-up
  • If you have recorded the event and your platform allows, set up registration to view the recording and require the same information you requested during registration for the live event. This will allow your team to track views and use the data to assess success.
  • Send a thank you email to all attendees and consider inserting a brief survey asking if the event was valuable and seeking new ZIM ideas. Include a link to the event recording.
  • Send a “we missed you” email to those who registered but did not attend. Include the link to the recording. Consider offering an incentive to motivate this group to watch the recording.
  • Send an email from your PTA thanking the presenters.
  • Key resources for this step: Sample Post Event Emails and Survey (en español)

Zooming into Membership Consultation

Planning to implement the Zooming into Membership Initiative this year? Let the Membership Outreach Team know. We are available to support your Zooming into Membership initiative in a consultant role and provide resources when needed to state, region, district or council PTAs. Consultations are done on a first-come, first-served basis and when a member of Membership Outreach Team is available. To get started please review the video embedded on this page and read the Zooming into Membership Membership Kit steps to get started. If you have any questions send them to membership@pta.org.

Testimonial from Brian Johnson
Testimonial from Brian Johnson
Testimonial from Tori Emerson
Testimonial from Tori Emerson
Testimonial from Steven Cook
Testimonial from Steven Cook
Testimonial from Kris Garst
Testimonial from Kris Garst


Connect with a member of National PTA’s Membership Team by emailing us at MEMBERSHIP@PTA.org.