Our Children: PTA Community
Encouraging people to join doesn’t end with the back-to-school membership drive. It’s an ongoing, year-round initiative and the YOU Belong in PTA resources are designed to make this process easy for your PTA.
We have created templates you can quickly and easily customize, including a Sample Mid-Year PTA/PTSA Letter/Email and a Sample Mid-Year PTA/PTSA Status Report.
Back to School and Back to PTA means Engaging Families and Growing Membership!
Ideas from local leaders you can use to grow your PTA membership year this year!
The New PTA Normal: PTA Amazing!
What did we learn in the past year and half? How can we use it to do even more for children and families?
Ways to Make Your PTA Virtual
How are PTA/PTSAs keeping in touch with their school communities? They are going virtual!
Show Your PTA Value to Sustain and Grow Your Membership
Just like schools have had to pivot, so do PTAs. You don’t need a building to PTA.
How to Get the Technology Your Local PTA Needs
PTAs can budget for, and spend money on, any technology that will be used by the PTA.
How to Make Joining PTA Easy
Now is a good time to rethink how your PTA will promote membership next year, especially if schools are still remote when they start in the fall.
It’s Not Too Late to PTA!
Your PTA can play a key role in helping support your school community in these tough times. It’s not too late to PTA this school year!
State, District, Council, Region PTAs...Know Your Data to Grow Membership
Data is knowledge and knowledge is power. Taking a deep dive into your data gives you the power to make informed decisions to maximize your financial and people resources to reach your goals to grow membership.