Male Engagement

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

Join PTA For Your Child

Male Engagement  


Key Strategies for Starting a Male Engagement Program

  • Identify strong leadership, especially a “point” person who is willing to make a long-term commitment to the effort.

  • Educate men about the importance of their involvement. Emphasize the positive benefits of men’s involvement in their students’ education and in PTA.

  • Meet with leadership and key players. Find a shared issue to address.

  • Establish a plan of action. Get men involved in concrete projects.

  • Meet with local administrators for approval. Address any safety concerns and follow volunteer and visitation policies.

  • Develop a male engagement team of men and women. Seek out male community leaders and role models. Ask men to join directly, rather than through flyers or posters.

  • Adapt communication and activities for male involvement. Don’t use generic materials! Keep messages succinct and to the point. Publicize men participating in activities to avoid the appearance of a “token” presence.

  • Keep the momentum up.

    • Keep school staff and PTA leadership involved and informed.
    • Hold regular events and follow up.
    • Celebrate successes and continue to evaluate progress.
    • Reinforce male engagement with regular quarterly and biannual programs.
    • Arrange for individual men to do one-day school visits.