Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ) Children and Families

In This Section

Legislative Conference 2025

Join PTA For Your Child

LGBTQ Children and Families


Key Strategies for Inclusion

  • Encourage LGBTQ students and families to self-identify. Emphasize the inclusiveness of the PTA and support for LGBTQ issues. Provide welcoming conditions so that self-identifying students and families feel safe and comfortable participating in PTA meetings and events. Respect privacy and confidentiality preferences.

  • Advocate for LGBTQ student safety and success. Encourage professional development for all school personnel to understand, assess and improve school safety and climate for all students, including LGBTQ students.

  • Educate parents and communities about LGBTQ discrimination and bullying. Support federal, state and school policies on harassment and bullying to address sexual orientation and gender identification/expression.

  • Create and maintain a safe and accepting school environment for LGBTQ children and families. Support health education standards and curriculum that address the issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in a positive way. Support student-led initiatives and extracurricular clubs facilitating a climate of acceptance and inclusion.

  • Support families. Offer connections to local and online information resources, and encourage family engagement with students and school staff.