What are you looking for?
We recommend you look at our rubric (en español) as you complete the online form. The rubric is a scoring system the judges use when reviewing the answers to the application questions.
When will we find out if we have been selected to receive funding?
Funding recipients will be announced in mid-November. Program implementation must take place within the 24-25 school year and within the date range for your awarded program. PTAs will receive regular support, communication and opportunities for collaboration from National PTA Programs staff throughout the program process.
Can I apply for multiple funding opportunities?
While you are only eligible to receive one grant this program year, we encourage you to apply for multiple opportunities that you are eligible for.
Who should be included in the application?
The primary applicant and additional contacts will receive regular communications from National PTA Programs staff throughout the program cycle. These contacts should include individuals responsible for information related to your PTA and/or carrying out the outlined program requirements.