Grant & Award Opportunities

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Funding From National PTA to Support Your PTA

Throughout the year, National PTA offers awards and grants to honor or support PTAs as they engage families, support student success, improve the health and safety of students and families, increase access to arts education or celebrate advocacy and diversity. Significant funding is available to support local efforts for your students, families and community to participate in educational activities that are engaging, inspiring and fun.

While funding is not needed to implement PTA programs, it can be used as support in running programs or making programs more accessible to all students (e.g., helping your PTA cover food, childcare, translators, etc.). The application process is easy (no prior grant-writing experience is needed), and the funding will help you reach your PTA’s goals in your school community.

National PTA is committed to promoting and encouraging diversity, equity and inclusion as part of our commitment to every child. In addition to evaluating the merits of each application, geography, need, and other criteria may be considered to ensure a robust and diverse pool of grantees.

Boca Raton Elementary Lynnhaven Elementary PTA Ballast Point Elementary Southwestern Elementary School Parent Robinson Elementary PTA Civano K-8 Pleasant Hill Elementary Parent Elem Canyons Transition Academy Odyssey Stem Academy PTSA

Grant funding made these events at schools throughout the country possible. Read more examples of past grantee successes and #HowWePTA!

Active Funding & Awards


Learn about and apply for the following opportunities:


New! Fall 2024 Program Funding

Aug. 29 – Oct. 1

National PTA and our funders are offering over a million dollars to support PTAs/PTSAs that are in good standing as defined by their state PTA and are interested in implementing a fun and engaging National PTA program focused on arts, digital safety and well-being and/or healthy lifestyles.

While funding is not needed to implement National PTA programs, it can help support hosting events or making programs more accessible to all (e.g., helping your PTA cover food, translators, etc.). The application process is easy (no prior grant-writing experience is needed), and the funding can help you reach your PTA’s goals in your school community.

The application process for available program funding will close Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Reach out to if any accommodations are needed.

General Requirements for Fall 2024 Program Funding 

All PTAs awarded funding must complete these general requirements in addition to the program-specific requirements outlined in the program description. All grant awardees must: 

  • Sign an award agreement in the National PTA grants portal by Dec. 5, 2024, to agree to the terms of your PTA’s grant award.  

  • Provide your PTA’s bank account information (ACH). National PTA provides grant funds electronically to your PTA bank account. 

  • Provide your anticipated program event date. 

  • Participate in one required training webinar Dec. 3, 2024.  

  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year, within the date range for your awarded program. 

  • Submit end of program feedback in the grants portal within 10 days of program completion—including program date, attendance numbers, three photos of families engaged and a brief narrative. 

Before applying, learn more about the fall 2024 program funding below. 

Programs for All Grades and Ages
PTA Healthy Minds, Sponsored by the New York Life Foundation

This program is for all grades and ages. Fifty (50) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250 in funding. Healthy Minds supports PTAs in connecting their school community with mental health resources and programming.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must… 

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Host a National PTA Healthy Minds program using the Healthy Minds needs assessment provided by National PTA to learn more about your community needs. The format and structure of each program will vary based on the unique, identified needs of each school community.
  • Utilize and share relevant Healthy Minds program resources for PTA leaders to build knowledge and skills of parents and caregivers to support and strengthen their children’s mental health and build their children’s social-emotional skills and resilience.
  • Partner with your school to strengthen mental health and social-emotional learning (SEL) supports and services. 

Learn more

Mary Lou Anderson Reflections Arts Enhancement, Sponsored by the Family of Mary Lou Anderson

This program is for all grades and ages. Two (2) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250 in funding. Reflections helps students explore their own thoughts, feelings and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and life.  

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  • Meet general requirements for the grants, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Participate or have participated in the 2024-2025 Accepting Imperfection Reflections program.
  • Use the funding to provide new pathways for at-risk and underserved students to participate in innovative and student-centered arts education experiences, including the Reflections program. 

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PTA Wellness Fairs, Sponsored by Walmart

This program is for all grades and ages. Forty (40) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250 in funding.
PTA Wellness Fairs allow students and families to explore a variety of health topics in a fun, flexible and interactive way. Grant recipients will have the opportunity to partner with a Walmart community relations senior manager for their area, who can help coordinate with Walmart’s local health and wellness teams for possible screenings and local stores for possible product donations and volunteers.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Use the provided community needs assessment to first identify interests of their school community in the area of Healthy Lifestyles.
  • Plan and host a PTA Wellness Fair which allows students to explore and engage with a variety of topics within the Healthy Lifestyles pillars.
  • Incorporate PTA Healthy Bodies, Healthy Earth and/or Healthy Minds resources into the wellness fair.
  • Identify school and community partners (like Walmart) to provide additional informational and engaging resources and activities.
  • Opt-in to connect with the Walmart community relations senior manager for your area, who can help coordinate with Walmart's local health and wellness teams for possible screenings and local stores for possible product donations and volunteers.

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PTA Connected: The Smart Talk, Sponsored by Norton (Part of Gen)

This program is for all grades and ages. Twenty (20) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250 in funding. All programs must be completed by the end of March 2025. The Smart Talk enables students ages 5-17 and their parents/caregivers to collaborate in making household decisions and rules around device use, digital safety, privacy, communication and media. Guided by the dynamic programming of The Smart Talk tool, each family will have a customized, detailed “technology agreement” based on their individual responses.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Host the program including discussions with families and students about digital safety and The Smart Talk tool by March 31, 2025.
  • Use the resources provided to present The Smart Talk, an interactive tool created by National PTA and Norton (Part of Gen) that walks families through a series of guided digital safety questions, then creates a personalized family agreement for how technology will be used at home.
  • Ensure that students and caregivers can participate together to engage in family discussions about digital safety and citizenship. 

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Programs for Elementary School
PTA Connected: Ready, Tech, Go!, Supported by AT&T

This program is for elementary schools. Three hundred and fifty (350) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,500 in funding (an initial payment of $1,250 and an additional payment of $250 after all grant requirements have been met).
To be considered for funding, PTAs must hold their programs in-person. At-home programming will not be supported. Ready, Tech, Go! will help parents and caregivers navigate online challenges through meaningful peer-to-peer discussions about screen readiness and ways to promote healthy and responsible device use.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete program between Feb. 1 - May 16, 2025.
  • Host an interactive in-person PTA Connected: Ready, Tech, Go! program for parents and caregivers to engage in meaningful peer-to-peer conversations about the various aspects of screen readiness; become familiar with tools and resources that help families determine screen readiness; and gain new ideas to promote a healthy digital home.
  • Use the resources provided to present the PhoneReady Quiz, an interactive tool developed by AT&T that helps families reflect on the different aspects of screen readiness through a series of guided questions, then creates a personalized readiness score to help them make the best decisions for their household.
  • Utilize and share relevant PTA Connected and AT&T resources (e.g., The Achievery, AT&T Screen Ready, etc.) to build knowledge and skills on screen readiness, digital safety and technology use.
  • OPTIONAL “Open-Lab:” Program leaders are strongly encouraged to consider hosting an “open-lab” immediately following the main program during which participants explore the free online resources and tools specifically highlighted in the program. 

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STEM + Families Propelling Our World, Sponsored by Huntington Ingalls Industries

This program is for elementary schools. Forty (40) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250. Propelling Our World provides hands-on engineering design challenges that bring students and families together and helps all kids experience and explore.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must...

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Host a hands-on Propelling Our World (Engineering Design Challenge) program, utilizing National PTA’s provided Propelling Our World resources.
  • Ensure the engineering design challenge activities allow families to participate in the activities together to enhance positive family engagement.
  • As outlined in the program toolkit, engage and educate families about STEM careers, including those involving skilled trades, using one or more of the STEM Career activities (STEM Career Crafts, STEM Career Games, STEM Career Partners) provided. 

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STEM + Families Science Festival, Sponsored by Bayer Fund

This program is for elementary schools. Forty (40) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250 in funding. Two (2) district/council/region (DCR) or SEPTA/community PTAs will receive $5,000. Science Festivals empower PTAs with resources to host hands-on, fun STEM experiences that bring students and families together and help families experience and explore activities in STEM. To be considered, PTAs must hold their programs in-person. At-home programming will not be supported. To be considered, PTAs must be located within a 55-mile radius of the following regions:

  • Arizona (Marana, Tucson)
  • California (Berkeley, Oakland, Oxnard, San Francisco, San Jose, San Ramon, Sacramento, Williams, Woodland)
  • Hawaii (Haleiwa, Honolulu, Kaunakakai, Kihei, Kunia)
  • Idaho (Soda Springs)
  • Iowa (Ankeny, Boone, Des Moines, Grinnell, Huxley, Urbandale, Muscatine, Williamsburg)
  • Illinois (Waterman, Farmer City)
  • Louisiana (Luling, St. Charles Parrish)
  • Massachusetts (Cambridge, Boston)
  • Missouri (St. Louis, Kansas City)
  • New Jersey (Morristown, Whippany)
  • Pennsylvania (Indianola, Pittsburgh, Saxonburg, Myerstown)
  • Puerto Rico (Juana Diaz)

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must ...

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Host a hands-on Science Festival program and/or curate and distribute STEM kits utilizing National PTA’s provided Science Festival resources.
  • Attempt to reach all underserved families in your community.
  • Ensure the program activities allow students and families to engage together to enhance positive family engagement.
  • For DCR/SEPTA/community PTAs: Identify and engage at least four PTAs (or the equivalent thereof) to participate in the program or series of programs.

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Programs for Middle School
PTA Connected: Be Internet Awesome, Sponsored by Google + YouTube

This program is for elementary and middle schools. Fifty-five (55) local PTAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,250 in funding. Be Internet Awesome programs engage parents and caregivers in meaningful peer-to-peer conversations about raising children in an online world. If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must ...

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Facilitate add-on programming (an additional ~15 minutes) called "LEO” (“Learn and Explore Online”) , focused on sharing specific Google online safety features and tools that help keep kids and families safe online (e.g., SafeSearch, Family Link, etc.).
  • Participate in one required virtual training session between Nov. 15 – Dec. 15, 2024, about this add-on programming (LEO)  and provide feedback to National PTA specifically about the LEO programming; this anonymous feedback will be shared with Google
  • Host a Be Internet Awesome program using the resources provided to engage parents and caregivers in meaningful and interactive peer-to-peer conversations about raising children in an online world.

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Healthy Bodies Tobacco Prevention Campaign, Sponsored by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

This program is for middle and high schools. At least 15 local PTAs/PTSAs serving grades 6-12 will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,500 in funding (an initial payment of $1,250 and an additional payment of $250 after all grant requirements have been met). The Tobacco Prevention Campaign supports PTAs in educating their school communities about tobacco use and how to support the elimination of tobacco products. 

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  1. Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  2. Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year, between March 18 – April 15, 2025. 
  3. Use the Tobacco Prevention Campaign community needs assessment and assess the prevalence of tobacco use in your school community, including vaping, e-cigarette use and flavored tobacco product use.
  4. Using the needs assessment findings and program materials, host a Tobacco Prevention Campaign program that engages youth and families by utilizing and promoting the program’s co-created resources to provide tobacco prevention education and resources to your school community.  We encourage PTAs to host programming on Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (on or around April 1, 2025). 
  5. Register your school and participate in Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (on or around April 1, 2025), anti-tobacco campaign activities and any other advocacy activities that address the needs identified, such as: engaging school officials, community members and legislators about tobacco use and tobacco prevention, vaping, e-cigarette use and flavored tobacco product use or hosting listening sessions with families and decision-makers. 

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Programs for High School
PTA Connected: Build Up and Belong, Sponsored by Discord

This program is for high schools. Twenty-five (25) local PTAs/PTSAs will be selected, and each will be awarded $2,000 in funding. Build Up and Belong brings teens and their parents/caregivers together to explore the use of technology as a communication and relationship tool; discuss ways to build belonging and positive communities in our digital world; learn how to navigate privacy and safety on digital platforms; and have interactive conversations as a family about online scenarios, experiences and expectations.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year by May 16, 2025.
  • Host a Build Up and Belong program using the program resources provided by National PTA.
  • Facilitate meaningful and interactive discussions between teens and their caregivers about digital dilemmas, specifically related to community and belonging.
  • Provide an overview of Discord. (Note: this is not a recruitment exercise; it’s intended to ensure that parents/caregivers understand what the platform is and how teens are using it.)

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PTA Connected: Digital Online Safety Program, Sponsored by TikTok

This program is for high schools. Local high school PTAs/PTSAs will each be awarded $3,000 in funding and DCR/community/SEPTA or state PTAs will receive $5,000 in funding. This program will bring high school families together for an open and interactive discussion with teens on their online experiences and equip families with practical information and resources to enhance online safety as teens use various digital platforms.

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  • Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  • Complete program between Feb. 1 - May 16, 2025.
  • Host a program using the resources provided by National PTA. Engage students and families to participate and facilitate open dialogue.
  • Recruit, organize and host a panel of high school students to inform parents and caregivers about students’ candid perspectives and “lived experiences” in digital spaces as part of the program event..
  • For DCR/SEPTA/community and state PTAs: identify and engage at least four high school PTSAs (or the equivalent thereof) to participate in the program or series of programs.

Additional resources to support this program are being updated now and will be available by the time program grants are awarded later this fall.

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Healthy Bodies Tobacco Prevention Campaign, Sponsored by The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

This program is for middle and high schools. At least 15 local PTAs/PTSAs serving grades 6-12 will be selected, and each will be awarded $1,500 in funding (an initial payment of $1,250 and an additional payment of $250 after all grant requirements have been met). The Tobacco Prevention Campaign supports PTAs in educating their school communities about tobacco use and how to support the elimination of tobacco products. 

If selected for this specific funding, your PTA must…

  1. Meet general requirements for the grant, as outlined above.
  2. Complete the program during the 2024-2025 school year, between March 18 – April 15, 2025. 
  3. Use the Tobacco Prevention Campaign community needs assessment and assess the prevalence of tobacco use in your school community, including vaping, e-cigarette use and flavored tobacco product use.
  4. Using the needs assessment findings and program materials, host a Tobacco Prevention Campaign program that engages youth and families by utilizing and promoting the program’s co-created resources to provide tobacco prevention education and resources to your school community.  We encourage PTAs to host programming on Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (on or around April 1, 2025). 
  5. Register your school and participate in Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action (on or around April 1, 2025), anti-tobacco campaign activities and any other advocacy activities that address the needs identified, such as: engaging school officials, community members and legislators about tobacco use and tobacco prevention, vaping, e-cigarette use and flavored tobacco product use or hosting listening sessions with families and decision-makers. 

Learn more

Fall 2024 Funding Questions? 

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for answers to the most common questions regarding the available fall 2024 program funding.

How to Express Your PTA's Interest in Funding
Watch this video (español) to learn more about how to access our funding.

Drop-in Q&A Sessions Registration

We will be hosting drop-in Q&A sessions to share information and answer your questions about how to get funding to support your local programs:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 12–1 p.m. EDT
  • Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 2-3 p.m. EDT

Email with questions about the fall 2024 program funding or application. We are here to support you every step of the way!


Fall 2024 Program Funding Details and Next Steps 

  • The application process will close Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 11:59 p.m. PDT.
  • Applications will be judged through a double-blind review process using this rubric (en español).
  • National PTA will work with state PTAs to ensure local/DCR/SEPTA/community PTA good standing status.
  • Funding announcements will be made in mid-November. 
  • Pending completed paperwork, funding will be provided in early January.
  • Program implementation is expected to take place during the 2024-2025 school year, within the date range for your awarded program.  PTAs will receive regular support, communication and opportunities for collaboration from National PTA Programs Staff throughout the program process.


State Capacity Building Funding Opportunity

Aug 29 – Oct. 15, 2024

National PTA is offering a new funding opportunity made possible with non-dues revenue from corporate funders. This new opportunity will provide $10,000 for up to 10 state PTAs to support capacity building to increase mission, membership, leadership development and/or organizational effectiveness during FY2024-2025.

National PTA Membership and Field Service staff will be available to provide support for state PTAs throughout the application process and there will be several opportunities for funding cohorts to meet to share successes and challenges during the funding cycle.

All questions regarding the State Capacity Building Funding Opportunity can be sent to


National PTA Life Achievement Awards

Give the award of a lifetime. Give the National PTA Life Achievement Award—the highest honor from the nation’s largest child advocacy organization—to the person who daily lives out his or her commitment to children. Complete the Form or call (800) 307-4782 to submit your request.


National PTA Awards PTAs With Program Funding


Each school year, National PTA provides funding to enhance family engagement and support our programs and strategic initiatives in schools across the country. Last school year, National PTA awarded over $650K in program funding to nearly 500 PTAs, thanks to our generous sponsors. These funds covered expenses to host PTA programs for students and families in the areas of mental health, STEM, digital safety, healthy lifestyles and the arts. Check out how National PTA helped state, district, council, region and local PTAs meet the critical needs of their students and families and celebrate the PTAs that received funding for the 2023-2024 school year.

Learn more about National PTA programs you can do with our without funding!


Previous Grants and Awards


Jan Harpe Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award

Feb. 5, 2024 – March 10, 2024

The purpose of the Jan Harp Domene Diversity and Inclusion Award contest is to recognize PTAs that are dedicated to the needs of all families represented in their schools. The contest acknowledges PTAs that develop practices that are inclusive and equal for all families and that result in positive change. All diversity and inclusion efforts must be from the previous calendar year (2023).


Announcing the 2023-2024 Center for Family Engagement Challenge Grant and Fellowship Recipients

National PTA’s Center for Family Engagement, with the generous support of GoGuardian, is excited to support these eight district/council/region (DCR) PTAs to adopt the updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships through systems change approaches with this $2,000 in funding.

The 2023-2024 Advancing Family-School Partnerships Challenge Grant recipients are:
  • Hillsborough County Council PTA (Fla.)
  • Huntsville Council PTA (Ala.)
  • Nassau Region PTA (N.Y.)
  • Northwest ISD Council of PTAs (Texas)
  • Orange County Council PTA (Fla.)
  • Parma Council of PTAs (Ohio)
  • Richardson ISD Council of PTAs (Texas)
  • Ventura Council of PTAs (Calif.)

National PTA’s Center for Family Engagement, with the generous support of GoGuardian, will support these five principals with a $1,500 stipend for their learning and contributions. Through this 12-month fellowship, these principals will identify a local problem of practice to strengthen their leadership around family-school partnerships and advise on the development of new resources for school leaders to support implementation of National PTA’s updated National Standards for Family-School Partnerships.

The 2023-2024 National PTA Principal Fellows for Family-School Partnerships are:
  • Dr. Latonya Cooper (Fla.)
  • Demetria Geathers (Fla.)
  • Dr. Julie Haake (Ill.)
  • Katrina Long (Ga.)
  • Richard Schwartz (N.Y.)