Find your PTA and join the nearly 3 million people who are part of the nation's oldest and largest child advocacy association.
Our State PTA Resource Bank supports your organizational health, membership growth, and leadership development strategies.
The Local Leader Kit contains resources to help PTA leaders serve their communities and manage local units.
Are you a middle or high school PTSA? Check out these resources that are specifically curated for you!
As a PTA member, you have access to a wide selection of online learning courses that allow you to develop the skills that matter most to you.
Online tools to keep your PTA members connected and focused on objectives central to your PTA's needs.
Use these tools to help you increase PTA membership. The resources are organized by local, district/region/council and state PTA.
One of National PTA’s founding values is diversity. See how you can support multicultural membership growth.
Throughout the year, National PTA offers awards and grants to honor and support PTAs.
Discover the benefits: higher teacher morale, more parent involvement, and greater student success.
Get inspired by stories of incredible achievements and contributions to communities where PTA has made an impact.
Find exciting deals, coupons and fundraisers, especially for PTA members!
National PTA strives to provide translated copies of all its materials in Spanish. Find these copies here.
Sign up for National PTA’s e-newsletters and be the first to hear about our advocacy efforts, grant opportunities and parenting advice.
Guidelines for designing materials to promote your PTA.