Flu Prevention

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Legislative Conference 2025

Join PTA For Your Child

Stop the Spread of Influenza

Fast Flu Facts

  • The flu can affect anyone, young or old, at any time—even otherwise healthy individuals.
  • Flu viruses can cause illness from early October to late May, however seasonal flu activity most commonly peaks between December and March.
  • The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot every year.
    • An annual flu vaccine is recommended for everyone 6 months and older.
    • Everyone should have their flu shot by Oct. 31 every year.

Flu Vaccination

Debunking the Myth

Does the flu vaccine cause the flu?

No. The vaccine typically takes 2 weeks to reach full strength, however, so if someone is exposed to the flu virus during that time, they may still get sick.

What You Can Do

Children are at higher risk for severe flu related complications, including death, so it’s important that families and schools work together to prevent flu and stop the spread of an outbreak once it occurs. 

  • Beat the Bug: Post this tip sheet in your home to remind family members of things to do to stay healthy during cold and flu season.

Additional Resources for PTAs and Families

  • Healthy Classrooms (Lysol): Teaches students, teachers and families techniques to keep germs from spreading and reduce sick days.
  • Keep Flu Out of School (National School Nurses Association): Provides information and resources about flu prevention, including annual vaccination, to school nurses, parents, teachers and students.
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Provide information about flu prevention, symptoms and treatment.
  • Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives (CDC): Fact sheets, posters, social media messaging, stickers and other health promotion materials that schools can use to teach students about keeping hands clean and preventing illnesses.