Chronic Conditions

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

Join PTA For Your Child

Function at Maximum Potential

Students with chronic health conditions can function at their maximum potential if their needs are met. Their attendance, alertness and physical stamina will improve; they will have fewer symptoms and restrictions on their participation in physical activities and special events and they will experience fewer medical emergencies.

What You Can Do


Learn More

  • Healthy Classrooms (Lysol): Lysol® has partnered with National PTA and the National Education Association (NEA) to educate students on proper hand washing and other techniques to keep germs from spreading and reduce sick days.
  • Safe at School (American Diabetes Association): A campaign dedicated to making sure all children with diabetes are medically safe at school and have the same opportunities as their classmates.
  • Food Allergies: What PTOs and PTAs Need to Know (Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE): Review National Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools, including recommended practices to help ensure students with food allergies are safely included.