Position Statement - Relationship of PTA to Educational Organizations

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

Join PTA For Your Child

The child's growth and well-being is the first concern of the PTA. The PTA reaffirms its intention of working with all public school groups in an effort to serve the best interest of all children and youth.

The PTA will promote and maintain working relationships on an equitable basis with all groups involved in decisions regarding public education and the implementation of those decisions.

The PTA will assume an active role in promoting discussion, communication and understanding within the education community in order to gain a greater understanding of each others' goals and positions.

Recognizing that an equitable, quality education for children and youth will come about through collective efforts and shared priorities, the PTA will promote identification of common areas of agreement among educational organizations. Once established, those common areas of agreement should be addressed through united efforts toward the accomplishment of our common goals for the benefit of all public school students.