Position Statement - Recommendations Regarding Prescription Opiate Abuse Awareness and Preventions

In This Section

Legislative Conference 2025

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With regard to the issues of prescription opiate abuse awareness and prevention, National PTA advocates for the use of evidence-based preventative strategies within our schools; the development of state-level awareness campaigns to highlight resources for prevention, treatment and after-care; as well as improving alcohol and other substance policies and increasing investments to combat the issue of addiction and the ramifications of substance-abuse upon American families and children.

Specifically, National PTA advocates for:

  • Investing in education for practitioners and development of best practices for health care providers on the topics of prescription monitoring and doctor shopping.
  • Increasing training regarding substance use disorders for health care providers prior to licensing and as continuing education for those currently in the field. This should include alternatives to opiates for pain management.
  • Incentivizing state participation in prescription monitoring programs as a mechanism to exchange prescription data and to prevent “doctor shopping” and illegal prescription practices.
  • Expanding prescription take back programs and other monitored opportunities for prescription drug disposal.
  • Expanding state-level initiatives to increase the availability and lower the cost of overdose reversal medications and programs to investigate possible access opportunities to Naloxone mirroring that of Automatic Defibrillators at schools and other areas where youth congregate.
  • Good Samaritan Laws be enacted in all states.
  • Funding of federal and state investments in substance abuse prevention.
  • Federal and state investments in substance abuse and prevention programs and campaigns.
  • Increasing national and state-level partnerships with professional medical, and advocacy associations focused on education, outreach, prevention and treatment
  • Expanding and promoting of alternatives to incarceration for those with substance use disorders.

Adopted by the 2017 Board of Directors