Whereas, Didactic teaching techniques regard ing substance and alcohol abuse, their ill effects, and legal ramifications have not yet proven successful in preventing their use; and
Whereas, Substance and alcohol abuse affect s many areas of the brain and can cause adverse behavioral, psychologica l, and social consequences; and over the counter sale of dangerous substances make them readily available to our youth; and
Whereas, Substance and alcohol abuse con tinues to occur among children and youth in our society: people aged 12–20 drink almost 20% of alcohol consumed in the United States and 11.2 % of our youth aged 12–18 are currently using a substance; and
Whereas, The National PTA does not accept the ar gument that the social acceptability of alcohol and substance use just ifies their use by our children and youth; therefore be it
Resolved, That the National PTA and its cons tituent organizations encourage and support educational and prevention programs for students, parents and caregivers regarding the dangers of substance and alcohol abuse, including but not limited to prescription, non-prescription (over the counter), illegal drugs, inhalants, a nd alcohol. Prevention programs should include a parent or caregivers’ component that reinforces the facts about substance and alcohol abuse and their harm ful effects, and be it further
Resolved, That the National PTA and its constituent organizations work for increased awareness of existing regulations and laws which protect children from these hazards to their health and well being; and be it further
Resolved, That the National PTA and its constituent organizations increase public awareness regarding the methods, symptoms, effects and dangers of substance and alcohol abuse to our children and youth.