Whereas, Children’s physical fitness and children’s engagement in physical activity are associated with greater academic achievement and cognitive functioning; and
Whereas, Elementary school children who have more recess time have been found to have better classroom behavior; and
Whereas, Recess is important for children’s socialization, school adjustment, and overall social development; and
Whereas, Recess provides unstructured play opportunities that allow children to engage in physical activity and should not replace physical education classes that provide sequential instruction to enhance the development of motor skills, movement concepts, and physical fitness; and
Whereas, Increased physical activity time during the school day does not adversely affect student academic achievement; and
Whereas, Children who engage in more physical activity have better physical and mental health; and
Whereas, Physical activity can provide other benefits to children’s positive development such as physical competence and a sense of personal responsibility; and
Whereas, Establishment of an active lifestyle in childhood leads to a more active lifestyle in adulthood; therefore be it
Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations support at least one period of recess for at least 20 minutes for each elementary student every school day; and be it further
Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations oppose denial of school recess as a disciplinary measure for academic reasons or inappropriate classroom behavior; and be it further
Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations recommend that school districts develop and implement policies for school recess that include unstructured outdoor play and unstructured indoor play for inclement weather days, educate students on safe playground rules, ensure the safety of playground equipment and develop an adequate adult to student ratio; and be it further
Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations support both adequate recess and physical education classes.