Whereas, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 2014, shows that electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) and ENDS use among students, grades 6-12 tripled in one year’s time and are the most commonly used tobacco products among individuals under the age of 21, and
Whereas, E-cigarettes and other ENDS are available in more than 7000 fruit and candy flavors and use cartoons and celebrities, which are appealing to individuals under the age of 21, in their advertising. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken the first step in establishing FDA oversight of e-cigarettes and other ENDS; however, there are no federal restrictions preventing the sale and advertising of e-cigarettes and other ENDS to individuals under the age of 21. The FDA has banned such marketing techniques and advertising for cigarettes, and
Whereas, FDA and other analyses have found that e-cigarettes and other ENDS contain a number of toxins, carcinogens and components suspected of being harmful to humans and has acknowledged that consumers of e-cigarette products currently have no way of knowing whether e-cigarettes and other ENDS are safe or how much nicotine or other potentially harmful chemicals are being inhaled. There is no regulatory oversight of the manufacturing process, and injuries and deaths have occurred from e-cigarettes and other ENDS and the liquid nicotine they use, and
Whereas, E-cigarettes and other ENDS contain nicotine, which is a highly addictive drug and has immediate bio-chemical effects on the brain and body. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, nicotine alters brain development and is toxic in high doses. According to the CDC, phone calls to poison control centers related to toxic levels of nicotine exposure from e-cigarettes and other ENDS increased more than 14 fold since 2011, and
Whereas, The American Academy of Pediatrics, National Association of Attorneys General, American Lung Association, the American Heart Association and other organizations support e-cigarettes and other ENDS to be regulated and the FDA has the authority to regulate e-cigarettes and other ENDS. E-cigarettes and other ENDS were deemed to be harmful to youth and other individuals by the United States Court of Appeals, and
Whereas, Some school districts in the US have enacted policies to restrict or prohibit the use of e-cigarettes and other ENDS on school grounds and some municipalities have enacted policies to restrict or prohibit the use of e-cigarettes and other ENDS in public places, therefore be it
Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations support legislation, regulation and/or other national, state and local measures to address the manufacturing of and ingredients in e-cigarettes and other ENDS as well as to prohibit the advertising, marketing and sale of e-cigarettes and other ENDS, to individuals under the age of 21 and to prohibit the use of e-cigarettes and other ENDS in public places and school grounds, be it further
Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations educate individuals under the age of 21, parents, school boards and local officials on the dangers of e-cigarettes and other ENDS.
Adopted: by the 2016 Convention Delegates
Amended: by the 2021 Convention Delegates