Whereas, State and local education agencies set the entrance-age designation; testing, course, and graduation requirements and other administrative policies that affect the students in their jurisdictions; and
Whereas, The average military family moves three times more often than the average nonmilitary family; and
Whereas, There are over 1.2 million minor school-aged dependents in active and reserve United States military families; and
Whereas, The frequent moves of military families may cause children to miss extracurricular activities and to face challenges in meeting graduation requirements, course placement, redundant or missed testing, entrance-age variations and other transition issues; and
Whereas, The Council of State Governments, Department of Defense and education and military family experts, have developed the Interstate Compact of Educational Opportunity for Military Children as a vehicle to remove barriers to educational success for children of military members; and
Whereas, As of December, 2009, twenty-six state legislatures have ratified the compact; therefore be it
Resolved, That PTA and its constituent organizations promote the adoption and utilization of the purposes of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children by state and local education agencies; and be it further
Resolved, That PTA and its constituent organizations advocate the adoption of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children with all financial and structural requirements by each state and territory legislature of the United States.