Resolution on Comprehensive Guidance Counseling Services

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

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Whereas, Students in school are vulnerable to the pressures and problems of the society in which they are nurtured; and

Whereas, Families need information, assistance, and support in raising children in a rapidly changing society; and

Whereas, The failure to identify learning problems and difficulties experienced by young children may result in problems of greater magnitude and severity as they mature; and

Whereas, The responsibility for providing appropriate educational programs, counseling, and coordinating services lies with state and local agencies; now therefore be it

Resolved, That the National PTA encourage state PTAs/PTSAs to support the development of a comprehensive guidance counseling plan which provides services for all children; and be it further

Resolved, That the National PTA encourage state and local PTAs/ PTSAs to seek funding for implementation of comprehensive guidance counseling services.