Resolution on Violence Prevention

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

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Whereas, The priorities of the National PTA, in conjunction with the Objects of the National PTA are to promote the welfare of children; and

Whereas, Goal Three of the PTA National Education Goals is, "Conditions that cause children and youth to be at risk must be recognized, reduced, and eliminated;" and

Whereas, The National Education Goals establishes that "Every school in America will be free of drugs and violence and will offer a disciplined environment conducive to learning;" and

Whereas, 1,911,770 Americans were victims of a violent crime in 1991, and at that time, homicide was the second leading cause of death among 15 to 24 year olds; and

Whereas, There is a need to reverse the escalation of violence in America; therefore be it

Resolved, That the National PTA, through its constituent organizations, urge the State Departments of Education, the Department of Defense Education Activity, local school boards and other school governance bodies to incorporate a violence prevention component into existing courses of study that is age appropriate in a K-12 curriculum; and be it

Resolved, That the National PTA, through its constituent organizations, encourage the Department of Defense Education Activity, local school boards and other school governance bodies to adopt policies and guidelines that serve to protect students and the school community from violent behavior and that such behavior not be tolerated in any form; and be it

Resolved, That the National PTA urge its constituent organizations to promote an awareness and educational campaign urging the use of violence prevention and intervention strategies; and be it

Resolved, That the National PTA, through its constituent organizations, collaborate with concerned community organizations that present programs which create an awareness of the social, economic and behavior causes that lead to the multi-faceted problem of violence.