PTA in the News

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Find National PTA in the Headlines

Peruse these articles from national, state and local publications to learn about the impact of National PTA upon communities to make every child’s potential a reality.

  • National PTA President: Congress Must Reconvene Now to Address Gun Violence

    Education Week | August 8, 2019
    According to the Gun Violence Archive, the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton this weekend brought America's total to 251 mass shootings in 216 days. That's more shootings than there have been days in the year.
  • It's time to fix our nation's public-school buildings

    The Hill | August 2, 2019
    Our nation’s public schools are the second largest national infrastructure sector for capital investment. Yet, historically, unlike roads and bridges, school facilities have received virtually no federal investment.
  • Odessan named National PTA president

    Midland Reporter-Telegram | August 2, 2019
    An Odessa woman recently was named the 56th president of National PTA. Leslie Boggs, director of finance for United Way of Midland, has split most of her career between working in Odessa and Albuquerque, New Mexico.
  • Odessan elected president of National PTA

    OA Online | July 22, 2019
    A West Texan has been elected president of the National PTA and plans to fight for more funding for mental health access for students, as well as legislation that ensures schools are safe from gun violence.

Newspaper with National PTA Logo

National PTA Publications

Don't miss these recent articles from National PTA blogs: Our Children Magazine and One Voice Blog, targeting Families and PTA Leaders.

Our Children Magazine (for Families)

6/28/18 - How to Raise Kind, Respectful Kids
There are six ways to teach respect, both practicing the positive and curbing the negative.

3/27/18 - Family Game Night Activities
A great way to start a family tradition with your kids is by participating in family game nights!

3/15/18 - Use Your Kids' Screen Time to Inspire a Love for Reading
Every child takes a different road to reading, so it’s not surprising when parents get stuck trying to help their kids find the joy in it.

One Voice Blog (for PTA Leaders)

How to Start a PTA at Your School Now
PTA starts its local chapters, called “units,” through our state-level associations.   Each local unit is an independent nonprofit and is set up in accordance with state and federal laws.

Thank You: An Open Letter to Teachers
We want to thank you for all that you do, both in the classroom and on your own time, to ensure the success of all children.

Kindergarten Registration: Don’t Delay and Register Your Child Today!
Many parents are excited and feeling anxious about their child beginning kindergarten in the fall. Some parents feel this way simply because they may have unanswered questions about registration processes, transportation to and from school, and school expectations.