Shirley Igo

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

Join PTA For Your Child


  • President, 2001-2003 (Texas)
  • President-elect, 1999-2001 
  • National PTA and served as National PTA implemented a new board governance structure as a part of a long-range strategic plan.


  • A new logo and tag line “everychild.onevoice.” was adopted and a national ad campaign was launched.   
  • PTA responded to the September 11th national tragedy by launching the Helping Children Cope with Tragedy website within 24 hours of the event. 
  • Premiered the Hispanic Outreach Initiative to increase involvement of Hispanic parents’ in schools and PTA.
  • In 2002 National PTA’s Parent Involvement Schools of Excellence Certification showcased schools implementing parent involvement programs of the highest standard.
  • The 106th annual convention was held in San Antonio, Texas (2002) and the 107th convention was  held in Charlotte, North Carolina in 2003, both with the theme, National PTA everychild.onevoice.