Past National PTA Presidents (1990-1999)

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Lois-Jean-White.jpgLois Jean White, president, National PTA, 1997 – 1999 (Tennessee)

President White participated in the President’s Summit for America’s Future, where President Clinton, General Colin Powell and other national leaders discussed ways to promote community service and volunteer work to help young people.

President White embarked on a National Media Tour and received significant national press coverage. The 102nd National PTA convention was held in Nashville, Tennessee in 1998 and the U.S. Virgin Island became the 54th PTA Congress. In 1999 the National PTA started a year-long strategic planning process. The 103rd annual convention was held in Portland, Oregon.


Joan-Dykstra.jpgJoan M. Dykstra, president, National PTA, 1995 – 1997 (Maryland)

The first website for the National PTA was established in 1996. In 1996, National PTA’s 100th anniversary was celebrated at the National PTA convention in Washington, D.C. Celebrations continued through February 1997. National PTA sponsored with California, a Sweepstakes Trophy winning float in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California to celebrate PTA’s 100th anniversary. At the 100th anniversary celebration February 17, 1997 in Washington, D.C., the United States Postal Service debuted a special new 32-cent postage stamp honoring the National PTA. (Helping Children Learn).


Kathryn-Whitfill.jpgKathryn Whitfill, president, National PTA, 1993 – 1995 (Texas)

In 1993, the National PTA headquarters moved from 700 N. Rush Street to the IBM Building on Wabash Avenue in Chicago. Leadership Skills Manual was produced. PTA’s triumph in 1994 was the enactment of the Goals 2000: Educate America legislation which, among many reforms, called for local school districts to make parents equal partners on issues affecting their children’s education. The 1995 National PTA convention was held in Orlando, Florida where delegates cast their votes for a president and for the position of president-elect.


Pat-Henry.jpgPat Henry, president, National PTA, 1991 – 1993  (Oklahoma)  

At the 1991 annual convention, National PTA celebrated the incorporation of its 53rd and newest Congress – the Pacific Congress of American Parents, Teachers, and Students, Inc. October 1992 the National PTA convention was held in North Carolina. National PTA co-hosted a Children First Conference for Media in 1992.  National PTA released “In Someone Else’s Shoes” a guide to inclusiveness. 


Ann-Lynch.jpgAnn Lynch, president, National PTA, 1989 – 1991 (Nevada)

President Lynch was asked by President George Bush to serve on the President’s Education Policy Advisory Committee. In 1991, President Bush declared February 17-23 National PTA Week. 1991 convention theme, “Leading the Way – PTA Involvement is the Key”  Be Cool. Follow the Rules was a program to educate student, parents, teachers and school bus drivers on better ways to assure children’s safety on and around school buses.