Past National PTA Presidents (1900-1919)

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Notes from the Backpack Podcast

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Hannah-Kent-Schoff.jpgHannah Kent Schoff, president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations 1902-1920 (Pennsylvania)

During her administration, cooperation began with public agencies interested in child welfare. Conventions:  1903 – Detroit, Michigan;  1904 – Chicago, Illinois;  1905 – Washington, D.C.; 1906 was canceled because of the San Francisco earthquake.  During that year the National Congress of Mothers Magazine was first issued. Conventions: 1907 – Los Angeles, California; 1908 – Washington, D.C. At the convention in 1908, the delegates voted to change the name of the organization to the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations. Also in 1908, the First International Congress on the Welfare of the Child was held under the sponsorship of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations, and represented by 12 countries on 4 continents along with PTA members from 31 states.  In 1909 the name of the official publication became the Child Welfare Magazine. 1910 – National Congress of Mothers convention was held in Denver, Colorado.  Mary Grinnell Mears moved that “Founders Day be observed in every [Mothers’] Circle on February 17th of each year.”  April 25 – May 2, 1911, National PTA Convention was held in Washington, D.C. inconjunction with the 2nd International Congress on the Welfare of the Child. 1912 – 16th Annual National Congress Convention was held in St. Louis, Missouri. April 4 – 9, 1916 – The annual National Congress Convention convened in Nashville, Tennessee.