PTA History: 1960-1969

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

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  • First volunteer worker to be so honored, Mrs. Brown, immediate past National PTA president, was appointed chairman of President's National Committee for 1960 White House Conference on Children and Youth; National PTA leaders participated in this Golden Anniversary Conference
  • Mrs. Kight served as recorder and leader at the Golden Anniversary White House Conference on Children and Youth; National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers (NCCPT) officers, state presidents, and many youth attended White House Conference
  • Mrs. Kight became member of National Committee on Children and Youth
  • Ada M. Jarnigan Lay Leadership Adult Award ($200) established by NCCPT
  • National PTA represented at International Conference on the Family, New York City, sponsored by International Union of Family Organizations (IUFO)
  • Cooperated with NEA in radio-TV series Parents Ask About School
  • Sponsored conference, Chicago, for state safety chairmen
  • Published Thinking Straight about Drinking, first in Highlight Series of articles selected from National Parent-Teacher: The PTA Magazine
  • School Bell Award to magazine for distinguished interpretation of education
  • President attended WCOTP, Amsterdam, Holland
  • Goal of a quarter million memberships realized for NCCPT coral anniversary; 40-year history of NCCPT published
  • National PTA membership: 11,926,552


  • Mrs. Clifford N. Jenkins elected National PTA president
  • Mrs. Jerome Z. Morris elected NCCPT president; administration theme, "Balanced PTA Program, a Challenge"
  • NCCPT office moved from Dover, Delaware, to Atlanta
  • Assignments for the Sixties, recommendations selected for PTAs from findings of 1960 White House Conference, published
  • Safety filmstrip One To Grow On produced in cooperation with Automotive Safety Foundation
  • Mrs. Parker received award of merit from Secretary of Labor for work as chairman of Advisory Committee on Young Workers
  • PTA motion picture Where Children Come First prepared for general distribution
  • Pilot projects in continuous health supervision program carried on in three states
  • Magazine name changed to The PTA Magazine
  • National PTA became member of IUFO and was represented at meeting in Madrid
  • Also represented at WCOPT meeting, New Delhi
  • Liletta Morris Scholarship Fund plan was initiated by NCCPT


  • Convention delegates adopted resolutions on education about Communism, reducing number of school dropouts, and action for better quality in motion pictures and their advertising
  • Mass Media and the PTA published
  • Information about common health problems added to regular features in The PTA Magazine
  • National PTA was host for Workshop of Educational Organizations, in Chicago
  • National PTA president served on planning committee for 50th anniversary observance of U.S. Children's Bureau and represented the National PTA in that observance; attended WCOTP meeting in Stockholm
  • PTA scholarships awarded by state congresses since start of program totaled nearly $6 million


  • Convention resolutions scored mass media advertising of tobacco and tobacco use by minors and urged securing the highest advantages for every child
  • Keeping Children Healthy published as guide for PTA programs for continuous health supervision
  • First National PTA Magazine Week held to promote wider use of PTA's official magazine
  • National PTA president served on President's Committee on Youth Employment and on subcommittee to prepare ways of implementing recommendations of Committee's report; National PTA represented at meetings of IUFO and WCOTP in Rio de Janeiro
  • First $500 annual scholarship provided by NCCPT...National PTA presented National Life Membership to Mrs. Morris


  • Mrs. Jennelle Moorhead elected National PTA president
  • Mrs. Minnie J. Hitch elected NCCPT president; emphasis given to "Aspiring for One World"
  • Convention resolutions urged educating youth on hazards of smoking, efforts to assure equal opportunity for all children, and strengthening programs to combat venereal disease
  • Story of the Rocky Mountain Project published
  • Pilot conference of "Judicial Concern for Children in Trouble," cosponsored with National Council of Juvenile Court Judges, Marianna, Florida
  • National PTA represented at meetings of IUFO, Munich, and WCOTP, Paris
  • Published Children's Emotional Health in cooperation with American Child Guidance Foundation; In All Good Faiths; and Highlight Series #5, The American Way: Safeguarding our Individual Rights and Liberties, which won The PTA Magazine its second School Bell Award
  • Name of National Congress Bulletin changed to National PTA Bulletin


  • Books for Appalachia project sponsored at request of U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity; more than a million books shipped to mountain schools
  • Convention resolutions on the rights of citizens, financial support of the public schools, control of stimulant and depressant drugs, and moral responsibility of the mass media
  • Publication of leaflet Extremist Groups: A Clear and Present Danger to Freedom and Democracy received nationwide mass media coverage
  • National PTA president elected a vicepresident of IUFO; attended IUFO meeting, Rome, and WCOTP meeting, Addis Ababa; elected vicechairman of Conference of National Organizations
  • Second conference with juvenile court judges, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; third, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • National PTA again host for Workshop of Educational Organizations
  • Held pilot conference on safety, Seattle, Wash.
  • Started pilot projects based on Children's Emotional Health in three state congresses
  • Published Highlight Series #6, The City School: Problems and Prospects, which won The PTA Magazine its third School Bell Award, and PTA Guide to What's Happening in Education
  • Cosponsored publication of Guide to a School Pedestrian Safety Program
  • National PTA membership: 11,992,726


  • Revision of bylaws adopted, including increase in National PTA dues from 5 cents per membership to 10 cents
  • "PTA" and "parent-teacher association" registered as service marks
  • PTA self-study initiated
  • Fourth conference with juvenile court judges, San Francisco; guidelines for comparable state conferences set up
  • National PTA president elected a member of executive committee of U.S. National Commission for UNESCO
  • Project on smoking and health launched, with support from U.S. Public Health Service
  • Published The Truth About the PTA and His First Cigarette May Be a Matter of Life or Death
  • Number of NCCPT state branches dropped to nine (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas) as schools became integrated
  • Representatives of National PTA and NCCPT met to discuss uniting the two organizations
  • Joint committees created to discuss intergroup relations
  • National PTA published The Hour Is Close at Hand: Unite in the PTA, suggesting how to achieve unity
  • National PTA president attended IUFO meeting in New Delhi, India; met with PTA leaders in India, Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan
  • Standing committee on urban services established


  • Mrs. Irvin E. Hendryson elected National PTA president
  • Mrs. Clara B. Gay elected NCCPT president
  • Council study project on UNESCO conducted, in cooperation with Department of Classroom Teachers And National Education Association
  • Published Guidelines for Planning a Conference on "Judicial Concern for Children in Trouble," in cooperation with National Juvenile Court Foundation with aid from Sears-Roebuck Foundation; also For Your Listening-Viewing Pleasure; Guidelines for PTA Mental Health Chairmen; The PTA Works for Children—in Your Community, in Your State, Throughout the Nation
  • National PTA president and other National Board members participated in 20th-anniversary meeting, IUFO, Quebec
  • Second national conference on smoking and health, Chicago
  • Held two-day conference on improving home-school relations in low-income areas, with support from U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity
  • "First national round" of interviews completed in PTA self-study (interviews of 500 selected local PTAs a 1 percent sampling of the PTA as a whole) interpretation of findings begun
  • Mrs. Hitch elected chairman of Citizenship Committee of the National PTA


  • Bylaws amendments adopted, changing length of term of national officers and national chairmen to two years
  • New action program, "Growing Up in Modern America: A Plan of Action for Parent-Teacher Citizens," adopted
  • Safety workshops, financed by grants from Automotive Safety Foundation, held in Region VI, Region I
  • National conference on "Judicial Concern for Children in Trouble," cosponsored by National PTA and National Juvenile Court Foundation, with a grant from Sears-Roebuck Foundation, held in Chicago
  • First regional conference on smoking and health held in Seattle
  • Nationwide project on Children's Emotional Health launched; professional advisory council formed; regional conferences held in Seattle, Pasadena, Minneapolis, Dallas, and Washington D.C.
  • Put an S in Your PTA and Films and Filmstrips for PTA Projects and Programs published; color filmstrip, What the PTA Is All About, produced
  • National PTA president attended WCOTP meeting, Dublin, and IUFO meeting, Vienna


  • Mrs. Leon S. Price elected National PTA president
  • Bylaws amendments adopted, changing grouping of national officers for purposes of election
  • Standing committee on human relations established
  • National PTA president appointed as nonvoting commissioner to Education Commission for the States
  • Membership on U.S. National Commission for UNESCO continued
  • Safety workshop, financed by grant from Automotive Safety Foundation, held in Region III
  • Second regional conference on smoking and health held in Denver; third, Atlanta; fourth, Arlington, Virginia
  • 60-second television spot on smoking and health produced
  • Published Telling the PTA Story; The Poor, the School, and the PTA; The PTA Is for You: The Cultural Arts and the PTA; Information Guide: National PTA Project on Children's Emotional Health
  • Cosponsored publication of Civil Defense: A Vital Concern to PTA; Burn Proof: Save a Life Today
  • National PTA president attended WCOTP meeting, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, and IUFO meeting, Paris
  • PTA self-study completed
  • NCCPT scholarship program discontinued; had awarded $7,400; five State PTAs had also awarded $2,550
  • Mrs. Gay appointed as adviser to National PTA Board of Managers and National PTA president as adviser to NCCPT Board of Managers
  • Ms. Gay received National Life Membership from National PTA