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Notes from the Backpack Podcast

Join PTA For Your Child

New! Thrive Online Learning Community

We are in the process of replacing these existing e-learning courses with exciting, interactive courses on our new Thrive online learning community.

Learn more about Thrive

Your Essential PTA E-Learning Experience

When taking an eLearning course, it is best to use Google Chrome. You may be asked to create or update your National PTA profile. If you have any challenges, please contact ptatraining@pta.org.

National PTA thanks Mountain America Credit Union, a Proud National Sponsor, for their support of National PTA’s leadership development initiatives, including this e-Learning Library. Learn more.

Understand More About PTA's Mission & History

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PTA Mission: PTA's mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

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Key Moments in PTA's History: Discover the legacy you are part of as a PTA leader. Since 1897, PTA has leveraged its network of millions of families, students, teachers, educators and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success and well-being of every child (~3 minutes).

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Why PTA is Important to Me: Learn why PTAs are so vital to every child's education (~2 minutes).

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Why Join PTA? Hear from parents just like you who have gotten involved with their child's school, their child's education and the education of everyone in their community by joining a local PTA.

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PTA Basics – History, Structure, Programs & Advocacy: Discover PTA’s history, structure, programs, and the issues for which it advocates (~30 minutes).

Become an Amazing PTA Leader

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ABCs of PTA Leadership featuring National PTA President Leslie Boggs (~7 minutes).

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Inclusive Leadership featuring National PTA President-Elect Anna King (~4 minutes).

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Local PTA President Roles & Responsibilities: An introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the local PTA president.

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Local PTA Secretary Roles & Responsibilities: An introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the local PTA secretary.

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Local PTA Treasurer: An introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the local PTA treasurer.

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Local PTA Board Basics – Structure, Roles & Responsibilities: Learn the basic governance structures behind most PTA units (~30 minutes).

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Local Leader Kit: This is your free, year-round resource to support all of your PTA leadership needs. You will find strategies, tips and turn-key tools to ensure your success.

Gain Nonprofit Management Skills

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Effective Nonprofit Management featuring National PTA Secretary-Treasurer Donald Dunn (~3 minutes).

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Local PTA Budget Basics: This course will provide you with a short guide to specific budgetary duties and responsibilities that are needed to fulfill the requirements of a local PTA (~10 minutes).

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Local PTA 501c3 Compliance Basics: Designed to help local PTAs navigate the revocation process and help maintain their 501(c)(3) status (~10 minutes).

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State PTA Guide to 501c3 Compliance & IRS Revocation: Designed to help state PTAs navigate the revocation process and help maintain their 501(c)(3) status (~10 minutes).

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Taking & Approving Meeting Minutes: A brief guide on how to properly take meeting minutes for any Local PTA Secretary (~10 minutes).

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Using Parliamentary Procedures for Effective Meetings: Learn how rules of conduct positively affect PTA decision-making, while ensuring fair and orderly unit operations (~30 minutes).

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Preventing Theft in Your PTA: Learn how to detect theft in your PTAs and what to do if you suspect it is happening (~30 minutes).

Grow PTA Membership & Resources

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Get Inspired to Increase PTA’s Membership featuring National PTA Vice President of Membership Darlene Sanchez-Harris (~3 minutes).

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Membership 101: Design Your Membership P.L.A.N.: During this course you will learn how to P.L.A.N.: Picture, Listen, Ask, and Nurture your potential and returning PTA members. When you complete this course, you will be able to print a completed Membership Plan tailored to your PTA’s needs in your area (~20 minutes).

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Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit: Learn to keep volunteers motivated by putting an achievable plan together for the year.

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Apply for PTA Grants: Throughout the year, National PTA offers awards or grants to honor or support PTAs.

Advance PTA's Mission

Family Engagement

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Transformative Family Engagement: Engaging and empowering families is at the heart of PTA’s mission. But how do you do it? Take this course to identify practical ways your PTA and school can engage families in more meaningful ways (~45 minutes).

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What is Transformative Family Engagement?: featuring National PTA Family Engagement Fellow Tracie Potts (~5 minutes).

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The Center for Family Engagement: Family engagement should transform the lives of every child in America. That’s why we are investing in our mission with the Center for Family Engagement.


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Awaken the Advocate Inside You featuring National PTA Vice President of Advocacy Yvonne Johnson (~3 minutes)

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Effective Advocacy for Your Child: Organize around local issues and address them to benefit the needs of children and your community. This course is designed for emerging local leaders, but all are welcome to attend (~30 minutes).

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Writing and Proposing PTA Resolutions: Stories combined with advice make the resolution development process easy (~30 minutes).

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Advocacy Toolkit: This toolkit is designed to help child advocates speak up for the health and wellbeing of all children.


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Explore National PTA’s Ready-to-Go Programs featuring National PTA’s Programs Committee Chair Kelly Langston (~3 minutes).

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Steps to Becoming a PTA School of Excellence: National PTA School of Excellence is a recognition program that supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being for all students. (~5 minutes).

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Reflections Leader Training: Learn the step-by-step process, gather resources and acquire best practices for encouraging creativity in your school (~30 minutes).

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Planning Your PTA Year: Learn to keep volunteers motivated by putting an achievable plan together for the year (~30 minutes).

Learn More!

Your Local PTA Leader Kit at www.PTAKit.org is full of downloadable and customizable tools to help you have a successful school year!

Local Leader Kit

Questions? Contact PTATraining@PTA.org.