Past National PTA Presidents (1890-1899)

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Notes from the Backpack Podcast

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Phoebe-Apperson-Hearst.jpgAlice-McLellan-White-Birney.jpg Alice McLellan White Birney(l), co-founder and president of the National Congress of Mothers – 1897-1902 (Washington, D.C.)

Phoebe Apperson Hearst (r), co-founder and vice president of the National Congress of Mothers 1897 (California) 

In 1897 organized the first State Congress in New York. 2nd National convention was held May 2-7, 1898 in Washington, D. C. annual convention held at the First Baptist Church, February 14 – 17, 1899,  Washington, D.C.  (Due to snow blizzard the meeting started on the 15th.) 4th annual convention was held in Des Moines, Iowa, May 1900. 

A charter was signed and the National Congress incorporated under laws of District of Columbia. 5th annual national convention took place in Columbus, Ohio 1901 and delegates authorized  National dues of 5 cents per capita. 6th convention of the National Congress of Mothers was in February 1902, Washington, D. C. At this convention Alice McLellan Birney stepped down as president and the delegates elected her Honorary President for Life, a designation changed to Founder in 1905.