Resolution on Parent Involvement in Site-Based Shared Decision-Making

In This Section

Notes from the Backpack Podcast

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Whereas, One of the Objects of the National Congress of Parents and Teachers is "To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth"; and

Whereas, Article III(d) of the National PTA Bylaws states "The PTA organizations shall seek to participate in the decision making process establishing school policy"; and

Whereas, It is the role of the National PTA to encourage parental involvement, an essential part of the PTA mission, by promoting an environment in which parents are valued as primary influences in their children's lives and essential partners in their children's education and development; and

Whereas, Some states have created legislation and some school boards and school districts have created policies and have negotiated contractual agreements with bargaining units that impede an equitable level of parental participation in site-based models of shared decision making; therefore be it

Resolved, That the National PTA and its constituent organizations advocate for legislation, policies, and bargaining agreements that protect the right of parental involvement in site-based shared decision making; and be it further

Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent organizations advocate for models of site-based decision making which provide for equitable participation among parents, students, community members, principals, teachers, and other staff and which promote an environment in which parents are valued as essential partners in their children's education and development.