Smart Snacks & Child Nutrition

In This Section

Smart Snacks Implementation Guide

PTA's Smart Snack Guide

Materials & Resources

The Illinois Public Health Institute (IPHI), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Network of Public Health Institutes, and Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project published five tip sheets as part of the Controlling Junk Food and the Bottom Line project:

Tip Sheet 1: Finances: Strategies to Maintain Revenues with Healthier Competitive Foods Standards

Tip Sheet 2: Creating and Implementing Policies for Healthier Competitive Foods Standards

Tip Sheet 3: Improving Access to Healthy Foods and Beverages Through Healthier Competitive Foods Standards

Tip Sheet 4: Student Education and Engagement to Support Healthier Competitive Foods Standards

Tip Sheet 5: Improving Cafeteria Strategies to Support Healthier Competitive Foods Standards

Helpful Links

National Association of State Boards of Education: Fundraising Exemption Policies Under Smart Snacks

Alliance for a Healthier Generation Powerpoints: Smart Snacks: Just EnoughSmart Snacks: A Little

United States Department of Agriculture Reports/Materials

Center for Science in the Public Interest Smart Snacks Resources Vending Machine Resources

Alliance for a Healthier Generation Calculator: Determines if a food or beverage meets the Smart Snacks Guidelines

Alliance for a Healthier Generation Product Navigator: List of foods and beverages that are compliant with Smart Snacks Guidelines

Alliance for a Healthier Generation Model Wellness Policy

Smart Snacks Overview Webinar (Presentation Slides)

Smart Snacks Fundraising Webinar


Contact National PTA for additional information or assistance, and to request a training for your state or local PTA regarding Smart Snacks at